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travel duo advisory specialty brand


What we do

Reorganization and redevelopment companies

TDA is strong in redeveloping and reorganizing companies within the travel and hospitality industry. The team is able to analyse quickly the problem areas as well the opportunities in the organization and in the market and to come up with creative solutions, to solve the challenges and to utilize the possibilities and to improve results. In the meantime, we will structure and professionalize the company and staff, in order to be stronger for the future.



Develop new hospitality projects

TDA can develop new hospitality projects, where we create an unique experience for the guests, who visit the venue, but also for the destination where it is developed. These projects vary from theme parcs, entertainment venues, hotel projects, activity centers etc. All projects should create an unique experience, contain the wow factor, be there for the long-term and realize significant local employment. 



Expand sales & network

As a result for decades of experience TDA is able to assist in expanding the companies network and sales. There are relationships with all major cruise lines in both Europe and North America and there are connections with a lot of renowned international touroperators in Europe, North and South America. With the help of a practical and efficient sales plan, we can help you to conquer new markets. 



Developing tours & activities

TDA can develop new tours & activities, for any destination. By creating this, we will use the strong points of the destination as well as international proven concepts. All these tours & activities should be attractive for guests to book, fun or interesting to do, profitable and also manageable and suitable to operate in an efficient way.





And everything with a lot of personal attention, dedication and full of enthusiasm. 



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